About Me
Robert Steenerson
March 20th 2010, my first son Kamdyn was born. March 27th 2010, I fell asleep with him on the couch and he suffocate under my arm and passed. From that point on my life started spiraling. I tried drug after drug to numb the pain I endured and hate I had towards myself. Meth became my drug of choice as it seemed to help until it didn't. I switched to IV use and with that came the criminal lifestyle. Felony after felony. I lived this way for 10+ years and with in that time period I was in and out of institutions from county to prison as well as treatment after treatment.
More than half of that time I spent every day wanting to end it all. I thought it was a fight I would never win, I thought the only way I would be able to kick my addiction was "lights out". Until I decided to put myself in treatment again determined to figure out who I am and why I keep repeating this cycle and tried something i have never tried before, the internal work. By doing the stuff I supplied in this website | discovered who I am, found self love, as well as hope for the future. So this website is dedicated to Kamdyn and to assist anyone from EVER feeling or going through the lows and struggles I have. This is my service work.
Thank you for the opportunity to be a part of your journey.
Thank you for reading! No matter what part of your addiction you are at, and no matter the severity of your crimes/doings/actions I want you to remember there are a bunch of hands reaching out in your community trying to help you. We are just waiting for you to reach back!
"Every person you meet carries a piece of you with them. someone is still using the phrases and words you used.
someone is still using jokes they learned from you. someone believes in friendship because they met you.
someone still smiles when they remember a moment with you.
someone is still listening to the music you showed them. someone still remembers a compliment you gave them, and it boosts their self confidence.
someone admires you from afar and is inspired by you. someone learned how to love from you.
someone is still encouraged by the advice you gave them. someone has faith in your generation because of you. the world need you! You may not always see it but your presence changes lives!"